March 18, 2024

November Prepares Us To Savor

November  is a month full of thankfulness with Thanksgiving and Family and birthday babies!  Noah turned 19 and Jensie turned 12. Time is gobbling along quickly. As I look back at old pictures As I was looking back of old pictures of our November babies, I just felt so overwhelmed of how fast it's gone. I know we have savored many years already with these kids and there is much more savoring to do! 
Basketball is in full force & about that time to pick out a Christmas tree!  This could be one of the biggest!  It's so hard not to take advantage of a higher ceiling in our family room and get a big one! But I do love a cozy feel and sometimes simple and sweet and a good bit smaller might be just perfect... but we will save that for next year because we bought a giant this year! November is such a great month to prepare us to savor. Savor tasty food, Savor family time, Savor the one who was born next month.... J-e-s-u-s.  Tis the season.... Let the cozy fires and lights begin along with all the savors and flavors of the season. It is such a grateful time of year! It's hard not to be happy with so much to be thankful for. God is so, so good and surrounds us with beautiful blessings of the season and special people to savor it all with. 


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