March 20, 2018

“Chickens & Bunnies & Pigs...Oh My!!!”

Can you smell it??? Can you hear it?  Don't worry, you will get use to it. The smell of the barn & the chickens gettin everyone good & awake. It's that time of year when all the livestock come together, all the hard working kids congregate, all the mamas & daddies gather so happy to give their children this little piece of goodness on earth.... It's the Tarrant County Junior Livestock Show!  This is when our sweet Emmie is smiling from ear to ear for days!  She is nervous, excited & just plum happy!  It makes it ALL WORTH IT! I love seeing her beautiful smile & sweet little braids. I don't necessarily love the disappointments..... I think I want it for her more than I thought I did.  She was really wanting to get Showmanship this year.  This is when she lines up with kids and shows the judge the parts of the rabbit, flips it, turns it, answers all kinds of questions, & basically has to impress the judge with her knowledge.  This child has studied all year. She has made little books with all kinds of questions & answers.  She even brought one of them to the stock show & when I found it, that's when the tears started filling up my eyes.  Even though she was holding it together, I could feel her heart.  I wanted it soooo bad for her.  She deserved it.  I know it's times like these that kids feel the disappointments of life & they move on & learn from it & even become stronger. 
 I know all that, but I wanted it for my little girl.  
She loves her rabbit & works with her all the time & truly wanted it!  
The good news is.... there is always next year!!!!  We did have an extremely hard judge this year who even said her rabbit is basically "not the breed she thought".... well at least it's not a Full Satin.  It's not from a breeder.  It is from our sweet bunny friends... who also came to see Emmie in the pics below. She is not a pure bred Satin rabbit.  This year it could have gotten her disqualified. He told her he wasn't gonna disqualify her, but to get her checked before entering her in any more shows. :( 
So..... it's time. Time to look into getting a "show rabbit"..... :) That's kind of exciting because we are gonna get a breed (Mini Lop) we have always loved and it's great for these shows. There aren't a whole lot entered which would up our chances to placing.  You would know it that I found the nicest lady at the stock show with a Mini Lop & connections to a breeder.  Just talking about that with Emmie made us both feel excited for what's to come & an exciting new adventure with a new rabbit.  
More bunnies ahead at the Orange Home!  Yay!  Anything for this hardworking child who puts in "what it takes" to care for animals.  She is in her "happy place" doing it & we want to continue to nurture that!  

March 19, 2018

Happy New Year 2018!

I am playing catch up... but must post in order for my blog books we love to look back on.It's a new year which is  always a great time to look back on all the ups and downs of the year and be grateful for what matters most.  A time to look forward to the new year & what is to come.  A time to celebrate the life we live & who we live it with & who we should be living it for...
 For if it weren't for the Lord, it would be a temporary celebration.
 Thank goodness we can look forward to an eternity of celebrations! 
We always love to surround ourselves with our family & some friends make it even
 better on this  fun time of celebration.
When you want to ring in the New Year with some of your favorite peeps... you might drive 2 hours to their ranch, hit snow and ice, have to take back roads to make it there following a friendly couple, slide and stall and talk about how you might be spending the night in the closest hotel, you keep holdin on to some hope and finally get there to happy faces that are ready to celebrate!  
Sometimes you do what you got to do to make it happen!  It is allll worth it! 
 Super sweet time with yummy food and a long table of the sweetest faces.  The kind of fun that is easy.  The kind of people that make going into the new year exciting and full of life.  
Happy, Happy New Year! 
2018 Here We Come!

For The Love

For the Love.... the month for Love... what do we love? Well, from the looks of these pics... we love basketball. Things are coming to an en...