July 18, 2020

The Grateful Month of November

How do the days and years go by so quickly? It seems like I just got started being a mom. All the 1sts and things to learn. Motherhood is a never ending time of learning. With every passing year you learn about a new age. What will 15 be like? Yes I said 15!!!! My first born is 15! Even though it is going too fast & our son is getting older and taller faster than we can keep up, I am so grateful for Birthdays! To stop & Celebrate the special life God gifted us with! God blessed us with two November babies and Jensie, our youngest baby, turned 8! A bittersweet month to see our oldest child & youngest child turn another year older. She is also growing too fast! But I can still carry her and pick her up! She will always be my baby and she knows it! It’s hard to step back and stop doing things for her when she says, “Mom! I can do it!” There is so much she can do and all my children can do that as a mother you just still do things for them because that’s what moms do. That is another part of learning for me... how to do the things that they need or love and appreciate me to do with their older ages. It’s not always as easy as rocking them or nursing them to sleep. They are big now. I am older now. I think of those tired nights of getting up with newborns and it really never changes. You will always be tired! Haha! You will always be “getting up” for your children at all hours of the day and night. But that is Motherhood. I am so grateful for that gift!

November is the time we stop and think of all we are grateful for, to be with family & to enjoy the new changing season! Changing season means even a 1st snow & football coming to an end for Noah & basketball/cheering for the other kiddos! How grateful to have our family in all seasons now. To have them come see the kids at their games is so fun! It’s a new time for us to feel that feeling of grandparents. Isn’t that crazy?! Crazy beautiful! A beautiful gift! It’s a time for a really long table with family eating a Thanksgiving dinner together! 
This November is also a very special one! Hence the cleaned up smiling couple holding their Starbucks coffees in the car together....Me & Nate! Got to go sign a lot of papers & make it official...We closed on our new land here in Tennessee!!! It actually happened! You always tell yourself with these crazy dreams... you never know till it’s done! Well that part is done! It’s official & wow... what a extra big gift to be overjoyed about this year!!!!! Time to make new memories & began building our new home! With Nathan & I both being born & raised here...A country homestead certainly grabs our hearts & we hope raising our kids here will be one thing we look back on with gratefulness that we made the choice to make such a big life change. What a grateful month November 2019 will forever be! Thank you Lord for this time of Thanksgiving! 

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For The Love

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