July 07, 2016

"Summer Stitches & Sparks Flyin"

Summer is always full of fun! We are ready! School is done and it's time for friends and fun! We started our summer with a bang... One that sounded like a siren....One that was brighter than a birthday candle. We are hoping the rest of our summer is not packed with bandages but instead blasts of fun!

We are ready for summer!!!!!

Somebody is having a birthday!!!

Big Daddy is 39

All he wanted was some flip flops and his mama's old guitar restrung!

Pancake breakfast ... Make a wish 

Time for Mama to celebrate with the birthday boy

But first... let's freeze some of that soreness and ankle pain

Something about a man drinking a mambo.... 

Wonderful dinner together... just us

I am so thankful for all the moments in life with Nathan... Not just the celebrations... But just the ordinary days of life and knowing we have one another in this life. 

Boys sleeping over 

Cookies for breakfast? Okkkk I guess

What a treat!!! Monopoly with my three oldest! Taking me back to my childhood!

Sometimes the only words I can say to her is... "Hold on... mama has to take a picture of you!" 

Sometimes when it's pouring rain and you are riding your bike home in flip flops from fishin... You slide and hang your pinky toe on a fence...then you get to go to the ER!!! 

This is what 9 stitches looks like. 
Boys! Boys! Boys!

We don't slow down with excitement... Stitches last night and fire trucks the next morning!!!!!!!

Our sweet Gunner swatted at a wasp in our pool bath and left towel on the light bulb...it caught on fire! The only reason it didn't spread quicker is because the towel fell onto the vanity. Smoke was all in our attic and coming out of the vents in Nathan's office.... I kept saying WHAT IS THAT SMELL!!???? 

New saying.... "When life hands you crap... Make cow patties"

It's moments like these when he has a friend over that is at the other end of the couch and he is snuggled up with ME!!?? Daddy tried to sneak and take a picture but he looked up and caught him. That's ok...  I just wanted to remember this moment! 

Fishing is all this boy does

Friends! Can't have too many!!!!

Chicken wars? Already?

Moms can have fun too! Cookin in the kitchen with my Kim!💗

Just a good dog with his little bunny sister

He asked if he could borrow my phone to take a picture of his frog before he let it go. I found this on my phone of his little selfie with his frog. Too sweet!

Next up... Best Daddy Ever & Bunny Birthday Celebrations 🎉🎉

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