June 27, 2024

Seventy is Special

An Absolutely Perfect Special Day…April 14th…🩷 A Birthday Celebration For Our Center. 🌸My Mama turned 70!!!🌸
She’s overly deserving to be honored & deserves a celebration that makes her feel appreciated & loved. I think we pulled that off 🩷& as much as I know it was all a gift to her, it was an even bigger gift to us to put it all together. She is the one constant my sister & I have had since the day we were born. Sitting in our childhood church yesterday with her in the center of us just brought everything full circle of our lives.✝️ We made a movie of memories over the years for her & there were so many pictures of Just the Three of Us. God knew we needed her in our center. God knew Daddy would leave this earth sooner than what any of us could have imagined. He gave us a Mother that could withstand the incredible loss & somehow help the hole not feel so deep. She has big shoes to fill to be the MeeMaw to 6 grandkids & Mama to 2 daughters who certainly admire the example she has been to us. There are so many times Sacrifice is a little easier in being a wife & mother… because SHE always showed me Sacrifice. She was & is a true example of serving others & staying faithful to God even when times are hard. Seventy looks Exceptional on her…with her adorning crown & all!🌟We are so thankful to God for a gift that keeps on giving, An Amazing Mama!🩷🩷

This Mother’s Day is so special to me! 🌸  Mama recently turned “70” & Last weekend me & my Sissy took her to the mountains for a girls weekend! Our first ever trip ever for Just Us! So much laughter & fun I can’t begin to describe it! I’m so grateful for this beyond special time together! A memorable trip to celebrate her 70 years & the constant she has been in our lives! When I think of our Mama, I think of her being the one who brought me to Jesus. I’ve said it before… she was the one who always took us to church & over the years showed us what loving & forgiving like Jesus looked like. There are so many things she did for others that I have memories of, but the one image I hold close to my heart was one time when I opened her bedroom door to see her knelt down on her knees praying at her bedside. There is nothing like the prayers of a mother. I believe that with all my heart! 🩷 Thank you Mama for all of your prayers & example! Lastly, can’t believe it 😂 But We did “a thang” in Gatlinburg & it sacredly represents so much for us!💗✝️ Happy Mothers Day to the one who helped me find Jesus to live in my heart. 🩷

Seventy is Special

An Absolutely Perfect Special Day…April 14th…🩷 A Birthday Celebration For Our Center. 🌸My Mama turned 70!!!🌸 She’s overly deserving to be...