July 01, 2015

"Tennessee…. If You Be My Honey Bee, I'll Be Your Buttered Biscuit!"

This is a long picture post but I have to do it for memories sake!  What a wonderful time we had with family in Tennessee.  No matter how long ya stay, it's never enough time to see everyone or do everything ya like.  That's why ya gotta keep going for more!  More miles, more memories, more family, more meals, more love.  I know it is crazy having all of us at once.  We are tickled to see family and spend time together.  That's why we keep coming back… because it's all worth it... to be with family.  It's crazy to think Nathan & I have been in Texas almost 14 years raising our family.  Tennessee will always be our Home.  It will always be special.  It will always have memories of our childhoods that you can't get anywhere else.  It will always have family and friends that make us proud to have grown up there.  It will always be in our hearts and prayers.
Our families always love us like we never left.  It's bittersweet and tears flow every time we have to say goodbye.    
But for some reason God has us in Texas.  You don't try to figure it out.  You just know when you wake up on your last morning there, the love of your life hugs you close to him and says,
 "Let's go home."
That's the moment when you know… our home is in Texas.  

This is what happens when you drive 11 hours to get to your family

 But when you arrive you see your beautiful sis and guess what…. we think alike when we shop at Target!  
 Treasure hunt at MeeMaws
 Prizes for all
 Backyard fun sipping with my sissy and watching those kiddos hunt 
 Big Toys for Big Daddies
Vroom Vroom

 Father's Day… 1st time I have been able to visit my Daddy's grave on the day
 MeeMaw has deer that come up cause she feeds them corn!  :)

 Orange kids love their MeeMaw
 I had so many kids that they steal her away from me too much!  Sure do love my mama

My Sweet Sissy with her Sweet Family

 My sweet nephew Cullen
He looks just like my sissy's baby pics!  It's so crazy looking at him!!!

 watching the guys play tennis 

 Father's Day love for Daddy
 The luckiest kiddos in the world

 MeeMaw and her 5 grandchildren
 Nathan & His Daddy- What a gift to be with him on Father's Day

 Guess what else was on Father's Day??  Miss Emmie Lou's 8th Birthday!  

 This child was celebrated!!!  So fun!

 A few cousins heading to the creek
 Cousin Twinkies…. We LOVE Blane and she is so wonderful with all the kiddos
 Let's see here what's in this tackle box
 Sittin on the hill takin it all in

 Have to have one of Overs' famous milkshakes when you take a break from fishin

 She thinks she can drive a tractor already

 Loved walking in the windows with this little girl

 cousin sandwich
 Ginormous Tree!  Pose Jensie Pose!

 My favorite pic of our whole trip…. these are the moments for sure!

 Big Brother and Little Brother fishing together
 someone caught a BIG Daddy 5 pounder

The girls climbing a HUGE Pine tree that has been there forever and was one of their Christmas Trees one year
 Do people fall in love on docks overlooking beautiful sunsets?  I think I did… again!

 Nonna took this group to the dollar store for a goodie.  

 Gotta have the creek pose with a rock in your hand… can't leave Tennessee till ya get that one in

 Creek time is cool time
 Random flowers on our walk to the creek

 They did what???
 They jumped off a bridge….. 

 Everyone of these crazy coons jumped over and over and loved it

 Back to MeeMaws for bouncehouse fun
 Sunflowers at my grandmas

God knew to make her my mama…. This is my new favorite picture of my mama

 MeeMaw made Noah Salisbury steak cause he loves it so much at school….. I have a feeling I need to start cooking some for this boy and Gunner LOVED it too!  

My sweet Aunt Linda brought us some beautiful canned goods…. 

 Ping Pong at MeeMaws!!  Say what????

This is the face of a WINNER…. 
over his mama
over his MeeMaw 
and not sure who else he beat

 Bounce House makes you cray cray

 Or maybe it's a 2 liter of Sunkist????

 Squirrel huntin….. 
 Me and my precious nephew 
 My HoneyBee
 Nathan's mama retiring from the hospital…. So neat to see her with all her children

 Nonna and Papa and their 8 grandchildren

 The WHOLE GANG!!  All together!  What a joy!

 Our new baby cousin Eva… happy little gal
 Some poker faces

 Papa's buck wheat for his honey bees

 Let's make rock sandwiches?
 Walk to the pond
 Sonny with his girl cousins Rue and Bailey… They got along wonderfully!

 Papa showing us all his bees

 This was so interesting and cool!  I LOVED learning about them!

 What a cool experience!
 Little Eva and Me
 Orange Family Cousins

 Silly Cousins

 Tractor Time
 Beeswax is interestingly good to chew on until all the honey is out
 and Papa's Honey is yummy, yummy, YUM!

 Time to head back to Texas… last time I saw my Mama…. 
 She sent some love back with us with these little delights… M&M cookies
Thank you Mama for all the little things you do

 This is my daughter!  I LOVE this pic!  I love her open arms! I love her happy smile! I Love that her shirt says LOVE!  I love that I am her mama!

When your motherinlaw says with a twinkle in her eye "We have been saving these little by little so we could make a pie when you were home"you just melt with love in your heart…. My fatherinlaw picked them up until she made that pie at 9:30 on our last night in Tennessee….
  Those berries just SCREAM LOVE!!!

 I will share one with these two any ol' day!
Thank ya'll so much for this.  

 Tennessee… If You Be My Honey Bee, I'll Be Your Buttered Biscuit!
What a treat to have fresh honey on a warm biscuit!  

Until next time… go dip your finger in some honey and see if it makes you sweet…. see if it makes you want a buttered biscuit.  :)


Time to spring into action! Flowers are blooming! Everything is turning green! It's a beautiful time of the year! I love being outside a...